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Thursday, October 31, 2002

Fright Night?

It wasn't too frightening actually...fact is there were only 10 visitors come a begging at my door.
This year was the first in twenty that I've handed out treats at all. I decided Trick or Treat would be a great time to offer the best gift, so I packed a tract into a bag of candy with an invite to my church and my web site where I posted some very cool evangelistic material.

I won't get into the Halloween discussion here except to say that as a "Born Again Christian" I do not celebrate this occasion but believe it is a good opportunity to share Jesus and His sweet gift of FORGIVENESS and ETERNAL life.
For more on said ETERNAL life check out the DigiTracts atMy Digitracts

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Church is for Sinners!

I'm sure we've all heard the quote, "Church is not a rest home for saints but a HOSPITAL for SINNERS", yet I fear we too often forget this!
Hardly a week goes by that I don't hear a tale about someone getting the cold shoulder because of some sin in their life (no it hasn't happened to me). I know we can't condone sin, but there has to be compassion for the person or they will be left dealing with the burden of sin as well as isolation, at a time when they really need that "hospital" environment. Quite often this person is a "new" christian or a "teen" who really hasn't matured very much and is SLAMMED by some unthinking brethren for perhaps an external sin or lifestyle choice. I say SLAMMED because that is how they often feel even though that is not our intention. C'mon, let's stop playing Holy Spirit and realize how flawed each of us is. Pride,gluttony,envy,sloth and backbiting...aren't these sins just as evil as immorality and such?
Let us remember...when we point a finger...there are three pointing right back at us. Try it now!
OK, that's my little sermon o' the day...

It wasn't my fault!

Blogger was fouled up recently and wouldn't let me post, I keep saying I'm going to migrate to MoveableType and publish my blog on my own domain...maybe someday.Anyway Blogger is a great service when it works.
Not much to say except that it's dreary and cold today...funny weather here goes from a dry 80's to a wet 50's overnight. I had all kinds of gardening plans for when we got to the 65-75 degree range and it blew right by me :(
I am promising myself right here the next stretch of days we get in the 70's I'm playing hookey :)...Gosh I hope my boss doesn't read this:)...I was just kidding!

Saturday, October 05, 2002


Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary our Pastor Arthur Gilmore arrived at First Baptist Church of Easton.
We celebrated with an anniversary conference from September 29-October 2,2002. Sunday the 29th was a Western Round-Up day and we provided ponies and hay rides for the kids as well as other amusements and food. After services Chef Bob made some delicious chicken to combine with the covered dishes our most excellent ladies provided.
The only negative on the day were the visiting bees (well OK maybe they were there first) but they didn't eat much so we all got along fine.
Preaching for the five services was top shelf by five of the best preachers we've been privileges to have speak for us over the past 10 years.
Dr.Jeffcoat, Dr. Fedena, Homer McMillan, Dr. Hays and Dr. Schindler (in order of appearance not eloquence)
Music was done by Terry Lawson who, if you are in a Baptist Church can be scheduled for your won't be disappointed.
It was a great week spiritually and weather wise also...I will not soon forget this anniversary.
Sunday we topped our record attendance by 50 people with a total of 265 attendees. Praise the Lord!
Much love and remembrances of the past ten years were shared and we presented Pastor Gilmore and his wife with a Christian Cruise (we'd been collecting monies for two years in secret)
It was a great week whose overall theme was the FUTURE...we celebrated the past 10 years but go on to make the next ten even better.